ARTrageous history
What to expect at an ARTrageous show
Pre-performance Projects
A. Science – How does light affect color?
B. Science – What makes something glow?
C. Technology – Can you see sound?
D. Engineering / Math – How can you use light to create an image?
E. Math / Art – How do artists use math to create their paintings?
F. Art – How do certain colors affect your emotions
Post-performance projects
In the 80’s a troupe of misfits decided they wanted to see the world. Together they started the “All and Everything Theater”, a non-profit Children’s Theater focusing on Children’s Entertainment, Street Theater and Life-sized Bunraku Puppetry.
In the late 80’s on Christmas Day, their theater building (which they built from the ground up), with all their props and puppets, burnt to the ground. Instead of packing it in, they created a new act called The Pink Flamingos (the flame colored bird, standing solidly on one leg and rising from the ashes): this music based troupe has performed for the likes of Sir Richard Branson, Steve Forbes, General Colin Powell… and in venues and events all over the world from India to Thailand, Paris to Austria performing at over 2000+ events in their History.
As people who live and breathe the Arts, Creativity, Community, and Inspiration, they have decided to go back to their roots and share their passion with the world as Artrageous. A Show that focuses on all the things they believe in and everything that got them to this place.
Art, Music, Theater, Singing, Dancing, Audience Interaction…
All on one stage. All done as a team of friends seeing the world and sharing a love of the Arts.
Imagine witnessing the creativity of an artist creating a masterpiece before your eyes in mere moments. Combined with captivating vocals, intricate choreography and exciting music, Artrageous takes you on a visual journey and a high energy ride of inspiration, creativity, and engagement.
Our troupe of artists, musicians, singers and dancers pay tribute to a variety of art forms, icons and musical genres throughout the evening. The result: A uniquely entertaining, Masterpiece show culminating in a gallery of fabulous finished paintings. A signature of the Artrageous Troupe, from the very beginning of their long history, is interaction and engagement… so be prepared to be a part of the show. Each show is as unique as each audience and we can’t do it without you!
The Artrageous Show is a journey through the decade -- stopping to admire unique icons and famous music throughout the journey. You will see artists, live, in their makeshift studios creating portraits of these famous icons. One of the things that make these portraits different than a portrait you would see in a museum is that they are done in an oversized way, accompanied by live music. The artist creating each portrait paint at lightning speed and use their hands and brushes to create what we call Action Painting. The portraits are done on a giant scale that is 4 feet by 6 feet and sometimes 6 feet by 6 feet.
Unlike most shows, Artrageous loves for you to get involved! We are a show about participation. You can take photos, you can come on stage, you can sing along, you can dance in the aisles… do whatever moves you!
The goal of the performance workshop is to give the students a glimpse into the life of a touring show and what it takes to be a team and most importantly, for them to take away that whatever they want to do they can!
The Roots of Artrageous – as street performers and Bunraku puppeteers in Vancouver
Our travels – the hard work that has paid off and taken the troupe around the world.
Introduction to the Artrageous team – the students will get introduced to each member of the Artrageous team and the many hats each professional performer wears.
Observing a team of professional performers work together to create Artrageous
Outreach program must take place at the stage or have adequate PA to put on a performance. It is an important part of the Outreach to be able to get the participants involved.
Group activities using the body and cross lateral movement
Seeing Science, Technology, Engineering and Math at work through the lens of the Arts on a theatre stage
Participating in the performance through movement
It’s not every day that students have the opportunity to chat with professional entertainers. Students are encouraged to ask any questions about the business, about travel, about working together as a team. The students are invited backstage to see the setup, behind the scenes, the tour bus etc.
Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math, Fine Arts, Visual & Performing Arts, Theater Arts, Community Values, Team Work, Public Speaking, Movement, Diversity and Inclusion, Skills For Using Arts in Everyday Life.
A. Science – How Does Light Affect Color?
Discussion: What happens to the other colors in a room when you fill a room with yellow light? Why?
Project: Light Experiments to Share with Your Kids By Aurora Lipper
Can you make the color ‘yellow’ with only red, green, and blue as your color palette? If you’re a scientist, it’s not a problem. But if you’re an artist, you’re in trouble already. The key is that we would be mixing light, not paint. Mixing the three primary colors of light gives white light. If you took three light bulbs (red, green, and blue) and shined them on the ceiling, you’d see white. And if you could un-mix the white colors, you’d get the rainbow. That’s what prisms do. If you’re thinking yellow should be a primary color – it is a primary color, but only in the artist’s world. Yellow paint is a primary color for painters, but yellow light is actually made from red and green light. Confused? Good, because we’re going to spin colors, mix and un-mix colors, and play with the electromagnetic spectrum.
Let’s get started.
Mixing Colors: Find three flashlights. Cover each with colored cellophane or paint the plastic lens cover with nail polish (red, green, and blue). Shine onto a white ceiling or wall, overlap the colors and make new colors. Leave the flashlights on, line them up on a table, turn off the lights, and dance – you will be making rainbow shadows on the wall! In addition, you can paint the lens of a fourth flashlight yellow.
More About Mixing Colors: When you combine red and green light, you will get yellow light. Combine green and blue to get cyan (turquoise). Combine blue and red to get magenta (purple). Turn on the red and green lights, and the wall will appear yellow. Wave your hand in front of the lights and you will see cyan and magenta shadows. Turn on the green and blue lights, and the wall turns cyan with yellow and magenta shadows. Turning on the blue and red give a magenta wall with yellow and cyan shadows. Turn on all colors and you will get a white wall with cyan, yellow, and magenta shadows – rainbow shadows!
B. Science – What Makes Something Glow?
Discussion: How does a lighting bug glow?
Project: Easy Glow Slime
1 Cup Epsom Salt (magnesium sulfate)
1 Cup warm water
1 Cup liquid glue (clear glue makes a nice translucent slime)
2-3 Tablespoons of glow paint or 1 teaspoon of glow powder
Dissolve the epsom salt in the warm water. Stir in the glue. Stir in the glow paint/powder
C. Technology – Can You See Sound?
Discussion: How would you create a musical instrument using light?
Projects: Seeing Sound
You’ll need:
a glass bowl
parchment paper
salt – if you color it with food coloring you’ll be able to see it better
a bluetooth speaker
a tuner (or a tuner app on your phone)
Put your speaker inside the bowl and cover it with parchment paper. Hold it on with a rubber band. Pour a good amount of the colored sand on the parchment paper. Experiment with different notes on your tuner (app) and see what patterns are formed.
D. Engineering, Math – How Can You Use Light To Create An Image?
Discussion: How would an artist use a camera obscura?
Project: Create Your own Camera Obscura
For Instructions follow this link:
E. Math, Art – How Do Artists Use Math To Create Their Paintings?
Discussion: What other artworks have you seen or can you find that use geometry?
Project: Create a Mandala
You’ll need:
Start with a simple circle and experiment with overlapping circles. Keep connecting the circles until you get to the size you want. Fill in the shapes with different designs and shapes.
F. Art – How Do Certain Colors Affect Your Emotions?
Discussion: How do these different artworks affect you?
Project: Create a Piece of Art Focusing on Color
You’ll need:
Paint Brushes
Watercolor Paper and Sketch Paper
Choose a color theme based on your current mood. Use pastels to make your painting. Don’t worry about using any images or any hard lines. Work the colors into each other.
Soak a piece of watercolor paper in a low bin of water. After a minute take it out and pat it dry with a paper towel. Choose watercolor colors that reflect what you want your mood to be. Don’t worry about using images or any hard lines. Experiment with the colors bleeding into each other. This piece will be very dream-like. Observe how you feel after your painting.
Phosphors: A material that absorbs energy and stores it up. It releases the energy in the form of light.
Camera Obscura: Latin for dark chamber. A darkened box with a lens that projects an image from the outside of the box onto the inside. The first step in the development of the camera.
Luminescence: Emission of light by certain materials when they are relatively cool.
Lumen: is the SI derived unit of luminous flux, a measure of the total quantity of visible light emitted by a source per unit of time.
Chladni patterns: Named after Ernst Chladni a Hungarian Physicists, they are created with a technique using vibrations and different tones on a rigid surface to create patterns.
Landscape: The depiction in art of landscapes, natural scenery such as mountains, valleys, trees, rivers, and forests.
Portrait: A representation of a particular individual.
Still Life: A painting featuring an arrangement of inanimate, everyday objects.
Real Life: Figures and scenes are depicted as they are experienced or might be experienced in everyday life.
Horizon Line: In painting perspective, it’s the level your eyes are at, an imaginary line to which things recede.
Vanishing Point: The point at which parallel lines receding from an observer seem to converge.
CREATE! There is never a wrong answer in Art!
With a partner, draw a portrait of the person sitting in front of you. Don’t lift your pencil!
Draw a self portrait from memory.
Look at a portrait of a famous icon. Draw a picture of the person UPSIDE DOWN!
Imagine the portrait to be just shapes. Draw the image as only shapes. Eyes are ovals, the nose is an inverted triangle, lips are a boat on the sea….
ARTRAGEOUS would love to hear from you and see your art. Send us your artwork so we can post it on our website!
Artrageous ℅ Lauri Francis
137 Saddle Spur Trail
Tijeras, NM 87059
© Copyright 2019 Celebrity Enterprises Inc. DBA Artrageous. All Rights Reserved